September 30, 2016

Where Are You Staying for Bristol Balloon Fiesta 2017 ?

The international Bristol Balloon Fiesta was first introduced in 1979 over a drink, in a pub, in Bristol. Don Cameron was a proud owner of one the largest balloon manufacturers in the UK at the time. On that evening, he began to think, on how to best expand his business and grow his brand. It was that moment where he and his friends came up with the novel idea of staging a small hot air balloon festival in Bristol.

Over the years more balloons started to take part, with more people attending the event. The Bristol Balloons Fiesta quickly became the largest annual hot air balloon festival in Europe, now attracting over half million people.

The 2016 Fiesta saw the introduction of two mass ascents due to the great weather. The Saturday and Sunday saw more than 100 balloons take off and fly over sunny Bristol. The balloons reached heights of 2000 feet plus, with families and friends witnessing unimaginable views of southwest England.

The Balloon Fiesta is also great for local businesses as well as global brands that are looking for exposure as the event provides them with a platform to promote and raise awareness. Huge Balloons took to the skies, branded with large business logos. From a spectators point of view, the festival is great a day out for families.

More recently it has become a target spot from young couples. This year saw a newlywed couple celebrate their new marriage on a hot air balloon. The bride and groom had travelled more than 5,000 miles from China to climb aboard to capture a moment to remember.

One of the most iconic parts of the event was arguably the night glows and the firework finale. This is where the magic happens; it is a simply beautiful thing to witness. The Bristol festival is a special annual occasion that attracts people from all across the world; it’s great to experience with family and friends. Create awesome memories and magical moments.

So where are you staying for the Bristol Balloon Fiesta 2017? How about somewhere that has a lot of character, that’s warm and cosy and has tremendous rural views. Here at Pennard Hill Farm we have 3 fantastic cottages on offer that can accommodate large families or small couples. Experience the Somerset and Bristol at Pennard Hill Farm.

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